Did you know that if you own the Kindle version of Book One: The Awakening, you can add the narrated version for only $1.99? Then you can switch back and forth between the two with Whispersync! What to continue the story while driving? Just switch to audio and listen. Cool. Ain’t tech great?

Whispersync for Voice
Switch back and forth between reading the Kindle book and listening to the Audible narration. Add narration for a reduced price of $1.99 after you buy the Kindle book.
Audio Version: http://www.audible.com/pd/Sci-Fi-Fantasy/The-Awakening-Audiobook/B00IUVYKW0
Kindle Version: http://www.amazon.com/Awakening-Hyperscape-Project-Book-ebook/dp/B00ES146ZC